One of the more faithful visitors of this blog (Monica Craver AKA Swamp Guardian) is asking for our help. It’s a request for us to sign a petition to protect habitat for the Northern Red-Legged Frog near Vancouver, Canada, and it points to the No. 1 threat to amphibians — loss of habitat. I often post about the amphibian chytrid fungus as a huge threat — and it is — but loss of habitat is the bigger threat.  Here’s the link to the petition: (Also, don’t forget the Amphibian Ark petition.) And here is the reason why we need to sign it:

“I have had to close my website to the public because my activism to get proper protection for the Northern Red Legged Frog habitat has come under attack by mountain bikers who do not want to see the habitat closed to their riding and building activities. If they get their way, we will see more bike trails and bike traffic going through this park and critical wetland habitat. Could you please publish this petition to save the North Red-Legged Frog in North Vancouver, BC. There is over 25 acres of wetland and upland area at risk of becoming further fragmented and degraded by wheeled wreckreational activities in it. As mountain bikers come from all over the world to use the North Shore mountains to ride, this is not a local issue anymore. I need as many names as I can muster up by the end of this month. I will report afterwards if this little Red-Legged frog paradise was saved or not. “